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Lofi Pet Records

Lofi Music Agency®

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Introducing Premium and Exclusive Promotion Services

We have temporarily closed our Ko-fi page in order to step away from those cheap promotions and provide a higher-quality and more exclusive promotion. This way, the playlist won't be so crowded with songs and will be better for everyone.


Promote Your Music


Top 25

• Playlist top-25 placement.

• Placement in 24h - 48h.

• 1 month of duration.

*include the song link in the notes*

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Top 15

• Playlist top-15 placement.

• Placement in 24h - 48h.

• 1 month of duration.

*include the song link in the notes*

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Top 5

• Playlist top-5 placement.

• Placement in 24h - 48h.

• 1 month of duration.

*include the song link in the notes*

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If you have any questions, please contact us at:

  • White SoundCloud Icon
  • White Instagram Icon
  • White YouTube Icon

© 2024 Lofi Pet Records

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